Alabama Biking Trails
We want to help cultivate your adventurous spirit and biking is a great way to do that! That’s why each week we will find and showcase one state and all of the different bicycle trails you should check out.
Duck River Trail
Location: Cullman, AL Length: 10 miles Times: Dusk to Dawn Fees: N/A
Parking: Pier & boat launch along country road 1651 Type: Mountain biking
Trail Map: http://www.duckriver.org/images/stories/MAPS/Trail-Open-Map2.pdf
Richard Martin Trail (The Limestone Trail)*
Location: Elkmont, AL Length: 10.2 miles Times: Daylight to Sunset Fees: N/A
Parking: Piney Chapel & Mill Creek Park Trail Head: Downtown Elkmont
For more information: https://www.facebook.com/pg/Rails-to-Trails-The-Richard-Martin-Trail-116502138415563/about/?ref=page_internal
Black Creek Walking Trail
Location: Gadsden, AL Length: 1.7 miles Times: Sunrise to Sunset
Fees: $6 for adults Parking: Noccalula Falls Campground Type: Gravel path
Trail Map: http://www.greatergadsden.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/Black-Creek-Trail-map.pdf
For More Information: http://www.noccalulafallspark.com/black-creek-trail/
Sunset Drive Trail
Location: Guntersville, AL Length: 3.7 miles Times: Sunrise to Sunset Fees: N/A
Parking: Guntersville Parks and Recreation Center Type: Paved trail
Trail Map: https://guntersvilleal.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Guntersville_Trails.pdf
Little Cove Greenway*
Location: Huntsville, AL Length: 9+ miles Times: N/A Fees: N/A
Parking: Hampton Cove Elementary & Hays Nature Preserve Type: Paved trail
This trail is extensive because it connects to two other trails, Big Cove Greenway and Flint River Greenway. The trail starts at the elementary school then continues as the Big Cove Greenway through Hampton Cove Neighborhood to Hays Nature Preserve, and then becomes Flint River Greenway. The Flint River Greenway follows Flint river before ending at Old Highway 431. The elementary school is the trailhead parking area for Little Cove, but you can also park along the way in places such as off of Old Highway 431. Don’t miss the scenic views of Flint river or the ease of the paved path on this Alabama trail!
Trail Map: https://www.huntsvilleal.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/LittleCoveGnwy.pdf
Indian Creek Greenway
Location: Huntsville, AL Length: 3 miles Times: Sunrise to Sunset Fees: N/A
Parking: Old Madison Pike & Creekwood Park (the trail heads) Type: Paved trail
Trail Map: https://www.huntsvilleal.gov/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/IndianCreekGnwy.pdf
Land Trust of North Alabama: Monte Sano Nature Preserve
Location: Huntsville, AL Length: 20 miles Times: Sunrise to Sunset Fees: N/A
Parking: Check map for parking sites Type: Mountain biking
The Monte Sano Nature Preserve is a great biking area for all levels of experience. The preserve is rich in history and has beautiful scenery worth grabbing your bike out for the weekend. It has multiple trail networks that you can bike, so start your planning now!
Trail Map: http://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/238963_41bd5ee91fed49e28f5191676c18303d.pdf
Bradford Creek Greenway
Location: Madison, AL Length: 2.3 miles Times: N/A Fees: N/A
Parking: Palmer Park & Heritage Elementary School Type: Paved trail
Trail Map: https://www.madisonal.gov/DocumentCenter/View/7243
TVA Reservation Rockpile Trail
Location: Muscle Shoals, AL Length: 2.7 miles Times: Sunrise to Sunset Fees: N/A
Parking: See map for details Type: Mountain biking
Chief Ladiga Trail
Location: Anniston, AL to (eventually Atlanta, GA) Length: 33 miles Fees: N/A
Parking: Michael Tucker Park (trailhead) Type: Paved trail
Currently, this trail runs from Anniston, Alabama (between Holley Farm Road and Weaver Road) to the Alabama Georgia state line. With construction still going on, the trail is projected to reach to just outside of Atlanta, Georgia. That will make this trail a 90 mile trail when it is finally completed!
Trail Map: http://silvercometmap.com/chief-ladiga-trail-map/
Coldwater Mountain Bike Trail
Location: Anniston, AL Times: 1 hour before Sunrise & 1 hour after Sunset Fees: N/A
Length: 1 mile beginners loop & 9 mile intermediate loop Type: Mountain biking
Parking: http://neaba.net/assets/directionstoct.pdfwm20oc
Trail Map: http://neaba.net/assets/mapanddirectionscwm_20oct.pdf
Chewacla State Park Trails
Location: Auburn, AL Length: 14+ miles Times: 8am - 7pm Fees: $4 per adult
Parking: Chewacla State Park Type: Mountain biking
Near this college town, Chewacla State Park has a great network of biking trails available to ride. Admission is $4 per person or $2 for ages 4-11 and 62 & up, or if you plan on visiting regularly check out the park’s season passes. You’ll love mountain biking through these beautiful trails and getting to see a natural waterfall.
Trail Map: http://www.alapark.com/chewacla-state-park-mountain-biking
Oak Mountain State Park BUMP Trail
Location: Birmingham, AL Length: 18 miles Times: 7am - 7pm Fees: $3 Parking
Parking: Accessible from north and south trailheads (see map) Type: Mountain biking
This park is a great place for beginning mountain bikers, but the Oak Mountain State Park is also expanding to accommodate more advanced riders with more difficult courses!
Trail Map: http://www.bump.org/assets/files/TheRedTrail.pdf
Tannehill Ironworks Historical State Park
Location: McCalla, AL Length: 4.2 miles Times: Sunrise to Sunset Fees: $5 adults
Type: Dirt paths with the Tramway trail open to bikers
Directions: http://www.tannehill.org/locate.html
Trail Map: http://www.tannehill.org/images/Tannehill_Trail_Map.pdf
Horse Creek Trail
Location: Sumiton/Dora, AL Length: 3.2 miles Times: N/A Fees: N/A
Parking: TS Boyd School & Old US 78/SR 5 at Horse Creek Golf Course Type: Paved trail
Trail Map: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/alabama/horse-creek-walking-trail
Sylaward Trail of Lake Howard
Location: Sylacauga, AL Length: 15 miles Times: Closed on Monday to bikers
Fees: $2 per person Parking: At Lake Howard Type: Dirt path & Good for beginners
Trail Map: https://www.scribd.com/doc/13824861/Lake-Howard-Bike-Trails
Chattahoochee Valley Railroad Trail
Location: Valley, AL Length: 7 miles Times: N/A Fees: N/A
Parking: Shawmut Mill Village & Riverdale Mill Village Type: Paved trail
For More Information: https://www.americantrails.org/nationalrecreationtrails/trailNRT/Chattahoochee-Valley-Railroad-Trail-AL.html
Swayback Bridge Trail
Location: Wetumpka, AL Length: 12 miles Times: N/A Fees: N/A
Type: Mountain biking & good for all skill levels
Directions: https://www.alltrails.com/trail/us/alabama/swayback-bridge-trail
Trail Map: http://www.trailoflegends.org/pages/maps.htm
Citronelle Walking Trail
Location: Citronelle, AL Length: 2 miles Times: Sunrise to Sunset Fees: N/A
Type: Paved rail trail Startpoint: State St. between S. Main St. & Center St.
Trail Map : https://www.traillink.com/trail/citronelle-walking-trail/
For More Information: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Citronelle-Walking-Trail/200497043304381
Forever Wild Trails
Location: Dothan, AL Length: 10 miles Times: 6:30am to dusk Fees: Unknown
Parking: 384 Narcisse Drive or 3636 Fortner Street Type: Mountain biking
Trail Map: http://al-dothan.civicplus.com/DocumentCenter/View/3122
Trail Updates: https://www.samdothan.org/trail-status/
Eastern Shore Trail
Location: Gulf Shore, AL Length: 23 miles Times: N/A Fees: N/A
Parking: Guntersville Parks and Recreation Center Type: Paved trail
Trail Map: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4ouUCRXPpLsWEJ2bXpoc2hpbzg/view
For More Information: https://baldwincountytrailblazers.wordpress.com/eastern-shore-trail/
Fort Morgan Road Trail
Location: Gulf Shore, AL Length: 5.6 miles Times: N/A Fees: N/A
Parking: In front of RE/MAX peninsula Sales Office to the far right Type: Paved trail
For More Information: https://rootsrated.com/gulf-shores-al/cycling/fort-morgan-bike-trail
Hugh S. Branyon Backcountry Trails
Location: Orange Beach, AL Length: 15+ miles Times: N/A Fees: N/A
Type: Paved trails
The Hugh S. Branyon Backcountry Trails is a system of trails that spans more than 15 miles to connect the cities of Gulf Shores and Orange Beach. There are a total of 7 different trails that are among 6 distinct ecosystems. Check out their website to plan your ride!
Trail Map: http://www.obparksandrec.com/images/BCT_Trail_Map_2011.pdf
For More Information: http://backcountrytrail.com/
Wondering where to find great bike trails in your state? Keep checking in as we update our blog weekly with new state information.